Religious Education
The main goal of the Board of Religious Education is to help and encourage every individual to become an enlightened and committed Christian.
Religious Education has grown and prospered under the guidance of the Holy Spirit who makes His will known to us through all the many good people who have been involved in our program. Our religious education program, staffed by volunteer catechists from our parish, provides instruction for children in grades K – 10, preparing them for the sacraments of first Eucharist in Grade 2, Penance in Grade 5 and Confirmation in Grade 10.
The youngster’s attendance at Continuing Christian Education (CCD) classes during non-sacramental years is necessary to insure a continuing growth of faith. Recognizing that parents are the primary religious educators of their children, parents are urged to be actively involved in their children’s religious education, particularly with sacramental preparation. Religious education is not to be a substitute for Sunday worship, but in support of an active Catholic Life.