144 Westminster Rd, Canterbury, CT 06331  860-546-6074

Parish Organizations


The parish council is a group of 12 elected parishioners and four ex-officio members which serves a consultative body to the pastor and promotes and executes parish programs. It consists of four committees:

Finance: concern includes income and expenditures as well as maintenance of church   properties.

Spiritual Life: concerns itself with the spiritual climate, health, and development of the parish.

Social: concern for the social interaction of parishioners and the general welfare of all members.

Peace and Justice: concern includes the promotion of peace in the community and beyond and justice as evangelical principles forming the basis of a Christian Community.

The Ladies Guild of St. Augustine is a fellowship of parish women who meet monthly to consider ways to contribute to and support the parish as women. The goals of the organization are to foster and develop adult Christian values, to create an awareness of Christian community, and to promote good will among members and the entire parish. The Ladies Guild of St. Augustine was organized in 1968 in affiliation with the Putnam District Council of Norwich Diocesan Council of Catholic Women. All women of the parish are eligible and encouraged to be members.

The Guild has been successful in promoting social events, fund raisers and moral support for the parish. Its annual Harvest Bazaar is eagerly anticipated in and beyond the parish.